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*Title Totto To
*date2007.11.30-12.2 time18:00-22:00
*Location:Yasutake Building 4F [[map]]

*`Creators *(alphabetical order)
Sachiko Hamanaka(design) Hiromi Hasegawa(game design)
Akiko Sumiyoshi(illustration) Naoji Taniguchi(program)
RobotSound Inc. (music) Ryo Watanabe Shigero Yoshidahttp
NicoLabo Inc. (Project planning) Akiko Ogawa Tatsunori Tanaka

Copyright (C) 2007 NicoLabo Inc. All Rights Reserved.

NicoLabo is currently in the prototyping phase of this project and the main theme is communication between children and adults.
We exhibited “TottoTo (TottoTower)” during the design event called “CET”.

A guerrilla trial was conducted by making a vacant urban area into an interactive playground by projecting the game screen on the wall of the adjacent buildings.
We were very happy that lots of people could played the game and had fun.
Thank you so much for those of you who came to our exhibition.


Welcome to TottoTower! 
Entrance of Yasutake-bld. 4th floor.

We projected to the facing building.
Looking up from the street.

Pink light made the story panel pink.

“Watch out! Don’t fall from Totto tower!”

A brother and sister having fun playing a game.

The neighboring exhibition Giftplaz
(giant plastic bag).

Playing the game on building at night feels good.

Thank you very much.